The network edition "the Russian Stadium"
REBOL. Press-conference devoted to "World beach tour", the article Maria Placusa, 28.08.2001 G.
REBOL. Press-conference devoted to "World beach tour", the article Maria Placusa, 28.08.2001 G.
In November 2001, in St. Petersburg hosted the III Cup of Russia on regball. In the St. Petersburg sports and concert complex competed six of the best teams of Russia from Novosibirsk, Perm, Moscow, Kaliningrad, Ekaterinburg. They took the hosts of the tournament regality team "Atlanta of Neva". The final match [ Read more ]
The championship was attended by six of the best teams of Russia from Novosibirsk, Perm, Moscow, Kaliningrad, Ekaterinburg. They took the hosts of the tournament regality team "Atlanta of Neva". In the final match for the gold "Atlanta of Neva" won "the Bears of Prikamye" and became triple Champions of Russia. Silver medalists — [ Read more ]
In August 2001, on the beach, near Moscow has passed the first stage of the world tour for the super bowl among professional clubs and Amateur teams in beach regball. In Moscow the right to get to the next round challenged the strongest teams from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Perm. In [ Read more ]
In August 2001, on the beach, near Moscow has passed the first stage of the world tour for the super bowl among professional clubs and Amateur teams in beach regball. In Moscow the right to get to the next round challenged the strongest teams from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Perm. In [ Read more ]
In April 2001, Perm hosted the tournament rebolini the strongest teams of Russia — the Cup of Prikamye — "Atlanta of Neva" in the final defeated the hosts of the tournament — the team "Bears Prikamye" and won the Cup
In April 2001, in the Czech town of Chomutov took place the international tournament on the Cup rebolini professional League in the Czech Republic. These competitions were the first test case of the St. Petersburg regola in the international arena, the tournament was attended by two professional teams is the Czech "ASK NELSON" and [ Read more ]
International tournament of category "A" Cup in the Czech professional League on regball was held in Chomutov, Czech Republic — the prize Fund amounted to 1 million CZK participated teams from Czech Republic (Ask Helson), Kazakhstan (Berkut) and Russia (Neva Atlanta). These competitions were [ Read more ]
Rebolini tournament of the strongest teams of Russia — the Cup of Prikamye (Perm) — "Atlanta of Neva" in the final defeated the hosts of the tournament — the team "Bears Prikamye" and won the Cup.
In January 2001, created by St. Petersburg Federation of regola — goals and objectives of the Federation — practical help in the establishment of centres and clubs of regola, providing conditions for the training of coaches, players and judges, the development of regola among the youth, pupils of schools, technical schools, students of secondary [ Read more ]
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