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Championship Of The Volga Region

The first official championship of the Volga Federal district on regball was held in late January in Ulyanovsk. The fight for the title were the four strongest rebolini team from the city of Cheboksary, Ulyanovsk, Ufa and Samara. In the end, the trophy went to the guests of Chuvash Republic – the team [ Read more ]

Cup of Perm on regball, Perm

In January in Perm passed a city Cup on regball with the participation of six teams, including veterans of the sport. According to the results of the championship of Perm, the winner was the team "Spartak". Second place went to the club "great", the third "Ural". The next tournament [ Read more ]

Tournament "Crystal Cup", Berdsk

In Berdsk (Novosibirsk oblast) on December 13, was the tournament "Crystal Cup" with participation of commands "Siberia" and "Ob" from Novosibirsk and "Dawn" and "Crystal" Berdsk. Winning the tournament was won by regality "Siberia", second place — the team of "Dawn".

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REBOL in Tambov

Дружеский матч по регболу прошел в октябре в Тамбове. Участвовали Александр Карелин, Хасан Бароев, Сергей Артюхин, Ислам Догучиев, Вартерес Самургашев, Мнацакан Искандарян, Алексей Колесников. Эти прославленные мастера приехали на всероссийские соревнования по греко-римской борьбе памяти заслуженного мастера спорта, чемпиона мира, [ Read more ]